~*~Shannon's Egyptian Vacation~*~

Photo Gallery
Egypt Pictures
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Assalamu Alaykum!

This site is all about my trip to Egypt. While I was in Egypt I visited the cities of Cairo, Tanta and Alexandria and a little town called Kafr El Zayat. Kafr El Zayat is where my friend Moamen is from. You will see Moamen in most of the pictures I took.
I had a great time in Egypt. It really was a once in a lifetime experience. I'm glad that I got the chance to go there and explore a different part of the world.
The "Picture Gallery" page is where I put just some pics of Moamen and his friends.
The "Egypt Pictures" page is where you will see the pictures of me and the places I went in Egypt.
Hopefully, on my next trip out of the country, I will be able to visit Veracruz, Mexico.


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